Update an existing carrier config within a yard by its unique id

PATCH /api/automated-billing/config/yard-carrier/{yardCarrierConfigId}

Update the billing configuration for a carrier within the specified yard by its id (which is equivalent to using the pair yardId-carrierId). If a field is null in the request, it will be ignored and the existing value will be kept.

Path parameters



  • Configuration for a billable item (currently a vehicle) within a specific Carrier in a Yard

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide trailer_config attributes Show trailer_config attributes object
    • rate_type Required

      Type of rate applied to the carrier configuration

    • Billing options for rate type FLAT. (It will be ignored if the rate type is not FLAT)

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide flat_billing attributes Show flat_billing attributes object
      • rate_per_month string Required

        Rate charged per month. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

      • spots integer(int32)

        The number of spots included in the flat rate before overage charges apply

      • Overage rate charged per day for each spot beyond the included number of spots. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

      • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

      • Day calculation mode

    • Billing options for rate type DAILY (It will be ignored if the rate type is not DAILY)

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide daily_billing attributes Show daily_billing attributes object
      • rate_per_day string Required

        Rate charged per day. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

      • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

      • Day calculation mode

  • Configuration for a billable item (currently a vehicle) within a specific Carrier in a Yard

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide truck_config attributes Show truck_config attributes object
    • rate_type Required

      Type of rate applied to the carrier configuration

    • Billing options for rate type FLAT. (It will be ignored if the rate type is not FLAT)

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide flat_billing attributes Show flat_billing attributes object
      • rate_per_month string Required

        Rate charged per month. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

      • spots integer(int32)

        The number of spots included in the flat rate before overage charges apply

      • Overage rate charged per day for each spot beyond the included number of spots. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

      • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

      • Day calculation mode

    • Billing options for rate type DAILY (It will be ignored if the rate type is not DAILY)

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide daily_billing attributes Show daily_billing attributes object
      • rate_per_day string Required

        Rate charged per day. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

      • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

      • Day calculation mode

  • emails array[string]

    List of emails to send invoices to


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id integer(int64)

      Unique identifier of the yard-carrier configuration

    • yard_id integer(int64)

      Identifier of the yard associated with this configuration

    • carrier_id integer(int64)

      Identifier of the carrier associated with this configuration

    • Configuration for a billable item (currently a vehicle) within a specific Carrier in a Yard

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide trailer_config attributes Show trailer_config attributes object
      • rate_type Required

        Type of rate applied to the carrier configuration

      • Billing options for rate type FLAT. (It will be ignored if the rate type is not FLAT)

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide flat_billing attributes Show flat_billing attributes object
        • rate_per_month string Required

          Rate charged per month. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

        • spots integer(int32)

          The number of spots included in the flat rate before overage charges apply

        • Overage rate charged per day for each spot beyond the included number of spots. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

        • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

        • Day calculation mode

      • Billing options for rate type DAILY (It will be ignored if the rate type is not DAILY)

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide daily_billing attributes Show daily_billing attributes object
        • rate_per_day string Required

          Rate charged per day. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

        • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

        • Day calculation mode

    • Configuration for a billable item (currently a vehicle) within a specific Carrier in a Yard

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide truck_config attributes Show truck_config attributes object
      • rate_type Required

        Type of rate applied to the carrier configuration

      • Billing options for rate type FLAT. (It will be ignored if the rate type is not FLAT)

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide flat_billing attributes Show flat_billing attributes object
        • rate_per_month string Required

          Rate charged per month. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

        • spots integer(int32)

          The number of spots included in the flat rate before overage charges apply

        • Overage rate charged per day for each spot beyond the included number of spots. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

        • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

        • Day calculation mode

      • Billing options for rate type DAILY (It will be ignored if the rate type is not DAILY)

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide daily_billing attributes Show daily_billing attributes object
        • rate_per_day string Required

          Rate charged per day. Json type must be string and not number to prevent rounding errors when there are decimals

        • ISO8606 Duration (eg. 30 minutes='PT30M', 1 hour='PT1H'). Set to null for no grace period

        • Day calculation mode

    • emails array[string]

      List of emails to send invoices to

    • Timestamp when the configuration was last modified

    • Username of the last modifier of this configuration

  • Not Authorized

  • Not Allowed

PATCH /api/automated-billing/config/yard-carrier/{yardCarrierConfigId}
curl \
 --request PATCH https://api-dev.gatego.io/api/automated-billing/config/yard-carrier/{yardCarrierConfigId} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"trailer_config":{"rate_type":"FLAT","flat_billing":{"rate_per_month":"500.00","spots":8,"overage_rate_per_day_and_spot":"20.00","grace_period":"PT1H","day_calculation":"MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"},"daily_billing":{"rate_per_day":"20.00","grace_period":"PT1H","day_calculation":"MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"}},"truck_config":{"rate_type":"FLAT","flat_billing":{"rate_per_month":"500.00","spots":8,"overage_rate_per_day_and_spot":"20.00","grace_period":"PT1H","day_calculation":"MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"},"daily_billing":{"rate_per_day":"20.00","grace_period":"PT1H","day_calculation":"MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"}},"emails":["contact1@carrier.com","contact2@carrier.com"]}'
Request examples
  "trailer_config": {
    "rate_type": "FLAT",
    "flat_billing": {
      "rate_per_month": "500.00",
      "spots": 8,
      "overage_rate_per_day_and_spot": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
    "daily_billing": {
      "rate_per_day": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
  "truck_config": {
    "rate_type": "FLAT",
    "flat_billing": {
      "rate_per_month": "500.00",
      "spots": 8,
      "overage_rate_per_day_and_spot": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
    "daily_billing": {
      "rate_per_day": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
  "emails": [
Response examples (200)
  "id": 1,
  "yard_id": 100,
  "carrier_id": 200,
  "trailer_config": {
    "rate_type": "FLAT",
    "flat_billing": {
      "rate_per_month": "500.00",
      "spots": 8,
      "overage_rate_per_day_and_spot": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
    "daily_billing": {
      "rate_per_day": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
  "truck_config": {
    "rate_type": "FLAT",
    "flat_billing": {
      "rate_per_month": "500.00",
      "spots": 8,
      "overage_rate_per_day_and_spot": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
    "daily_billing": {
      "rate_per_day": "20.00",
      "grace_period": "PT1H",
      "day_calculation": "MODE_24HOUR_ROUNDING"
  "emails": [
  "last_modified_at": "2023-04-06T11:25:42Z",
  "last_modified_by": "355c30f0-96d2-4dbe-bfe8-f8dd9eb7f778"