Search a (unique) truck by number and carrierId
A status of 200 just means there were no errors during the search. If the truck is found, the truck object will be returned in the response body. If no truck is found then the response body will be empty.
Specify effective organization_id for Admin and Group Organization Admins. This is a global header for all endpoints only taken into consideration when it makes sense (it won't be used in Auth, for example)
Query parameters
number string
Please note this is a matrix variable as number and carrierId both identify a truck at the same level, so please use the semicolon to specify the variables in the path
carrierId integer(int64)
Please note this is a matrix variable as number and carrierId both identify a truck at the same level, so please use the semicolon to specify the variables in the path
GET /api/truck/byNumberAndCarrier/{number}{carrierId}
curl \
-X GET{number}{carrierId}
Response examples (200)
{"carrier"=>{"address"=>"string", "address_additional_info"=>"string", "authorized"=>true, "created_at"=>"2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00", "created_by"=>"string", "email"=>"string", "fleet_id"=>"string", "id"=>42, "last_modified_at"=>"2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00", "last_modified_by"=>"string", "name"=>"string", "rfc"=>"string", "scac"=>"string", "usdot"=>"string"}, "fuel_type"=>"CNG", "id"=>42, "number"=>"string", "type"=>"BOX"}